Posted by: drleita | July 13, 2009

Do you know the difference between a Pap smear and a pelvic exam?

“Pap smear” is not synonymous with “pelvic exam,” and not everyone knows that. 

  • The Pap smear is a specific test where a sample of cells are obtained from the cervix, stained and then evaluated under a microscope by a trained cytologist (someone who studies cells) to see if there are any abnormal cells.
  • The pelvic exam is an examination of the external parts of the vaginal area, with or without an inspection of the vaginal canal and cervix using a speculum (not a clamp!). You will most likely also have a bimanual exam, in which the uterus and other pelvic structures are felt with one or two fingers inside the vaginal canal along with pressure on the area just above the pubic bone.

You need to have a pelvic exam in order to get a Pap smear. However, a pelvic exam can be completed without a Pap smear. So remember, don’t interchange the terms “Pap smear” and “pelvic exam.”


  1. good explanation

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